Star Map by Johann Elert Bode – Plate V – Lyncis, Leo, Leo Minor, Cancer, Gemini
Plate V – Constellations Ursa Major, Lyncis (the Lynx), Leo (the lion), Leo Minor (the smaller lion), Cancer (the crab), Gemini (the twins)
Dimensions: 27.5 x 23 cm

Handcolored copperplate engravings representing the Constellations from the star atlas “Vorstellung der Gestirne” by the German astronomer and mapmaker Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826).
Born in Hamburg, Bode became the director of the Berlin Observatory and published the Uranographia in 1801, a celestial atlas showing the positions of stars,and including an artistic interpretation of the figures in the constellations. This smaller star atlas – Vorgestellung der Gestirne (Presentation of the Stars) – was intended for astronomical amateurs.
Bode is known for his reformulation and popularisation of the Titius–Bode law. He also charted the orbit of Uranus and suggested the planet’s name.