Works by Gustave Francois (Gustave Francois Barraud) – Genevan Artist
Gustave François ( Barraud )
Born 4.5.1883 Geneva – Died 22.9.1964 in Geneva)
Gustave-Francois Barraud (As an artist he adopted the name Gustave Francois) is particularly well known for his female nudes, frequently shown discretely from behind angled slightly to one side.
Gustave was the brother of Maurice Barraud (known for his classical murals such as the scene on the Lucerne train station or in Salle III of the United Nations building in Geneva). The two boys were born into a family of modest means in Geneva and needed to earn a living through their art.
The brothers were co-founders in 1914 of the artists group Le Fayot, which also included the Geneva painters Eugène Martin et Emile Bressler. The prevailing Swiss aesthetic of the time – exemplified by the Ecole de Saviese – was a quest for Switzerland’s folklorique roots. The Le Fayot group sought to portray a more modern vision of the world, but one still imbued with the forms of classicism.
Standing Nude – Limited Edition Lithograph
Reclining Nude
Nude (SOLD) Clouds Reclining Nude – Lithograph